Probably Noah's best film, and definitely my favourite. Very nuanced portray of the complex, layered emotions of the two characters, with much warmth, sympathy, intelligence and gravity. It is very hard not to love Charlie and Nicole - both of them are their own stars. (重发另请大家去豆瓣电影页面给它的官方海报投票)
(啊没想到2021年的最后一天看了一整天的动画片从高中看到现在大概有七年了依然是最爱的动画热衷于买周边并且在现实中说一些中二台词(比如出去玩的时候和朋友喊What time is it? Adventure time! 自从听说它完结了剩下的剧集都舍不得看了日本六十路无码熟妇交尾好像只要我不看剧情就没结束我对现实世界的很多联想灵感都来自于片里磕大了的片段比如17年就玩过的metaverse还有我最爱的cosmic owl和prismo具象化了时间空间生死伏笔穿插精彩巧妙看at的时候我好像重返童年全身心地跟着finn去冒险再见了我最爱的marcy finn bmo! Adventure time forever!