反高潮的叙述电影戏梦巴黎不断铺垫tension又总是轻飘飘地放走附上导演Piff被提问时写的note:Establishing shots creates space so that audience knows where it goes. But when what and where is gonna happen are not important, establishing shot is not necessary. Monster: that one brings messages; In Latin-that one reveals something; Terror film-->characters not characters, but "monsters".
典型的小成本每一集都在感受着制作团队在资金方面的捉襟见肘剧本概念很好Truman Show又一个不错的变式pilot episode做的不错电影戏梦巴黎就是后面的剧情发展经常幼稚到让人wtf不过还是想继续看下去第一季最终集的反转didn't land on me. 会继续看第二季的so far it's ok.